Temperature Gage

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by Kim, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    I need something to test the temp in my tank that is reliable. Can someone recommend something reasonably priced.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  2. ljinks

    ljinks Tang

    The little jbj external digitals seem to be pretty reliable and only 8.50

    Fish tank keeps them in stock
  3. lusciousluke

    lusciousluke Blenny

    I run two of those on my tank, one on either side. Gives me somewhat of a tank average and also serves as a means of accuracy validation. I also have a read out on my chiller that I compare with. At any one time, all three are within a degree of each other. Also, because they are so inexpensive, you can afford to buy/run multiple so you have means of constantly validating the accuracy.
  4. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Thanks guys. I'll need to find one or two. Considering mine is showing the tank is at 54, I'm sure it's wrong.

    Kim/Benton, AR

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