Web Committee Meeting - Sept. 6

Discussion in 'Webmaster / Web Committee' started by schillerstreetreef, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Place - Chris Braithwaite's house / 2300 S. Schiller St.

    Time - 6:30

    Attendance - Chris & Roxanne Braithwaite / Sam & Theresa Grimmett / Norman Davis / Calvin Koone / Georgi Histov

    Minutes -

    Server Down - Server down for last 24 hrs - is binging / Contacted Joe to reset server - speculation may have to do with memory allocation for new wysiwyg editor (Joe will address)

    Server Permissions - Georgi worked with Calvin to solidify procedures for getting root access to the server as well as adding and subtracting users.

    Repair of Time on Server - Time is currently off by several hours on server, root access will allow this to be fixed, Georgi recommended NPT protocol to keep time up to date. (Georgi will address)

    Miscellaneous - Blog font in black block bars changed to orange to match site / centering issue with blog installation causing center block in portal to be left justified. (Calvin will address)

    aMember Update - RRMAS will purchase update for aMember for installation. (Georgi will install)

    Joomla Installation - Will be tabled until after the first of the year while Calvin gets up to speed on our server functions.

    Calvin has agreed to take over Webmaster title for Razorback Reef and do maintenance on sight as needed. Major projects approved by the BOD will be for monetary compensation to be determined by project.

    Georgi's role in operation of RRMAS website will be in a consultation bases after his update of aMember to Calvin as he learns the processes used by our server. We are grateful to Georgi and all that he has done for Razorback Reef and his willingness to continue a relationship with the club to ensure that our needs are met.
  2. Thanks guys for all the hard work everyone of you have put in to keep up the site & improving it - the MACNA award speaks of the fine job you all have been doing !!!

    Have already seen Calvin is a tremendous asset to the club & will be a great webmaster !
  3. Woohooo just noticed - the time server is fixed & the timestamp on my above post is correct - thanks guys ! [​IMG]

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