Any one know info on the LFS Just Fish and Coral in Fort Smith

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by wlyon, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I'm moving to fort smith at the end of the month and have discovered the LFS just fish and coral is just 3 minutes from my house. Has anyone been in there or know about it or any other LFS's in the area?
  2. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    He has a fair amount of frags and its hit or miss on fish. Not much else in Fort Smith other than Petco. There is one in Van Buren, the Fish Room (?) that used to have more fish than coral but not sure they are still in business.
  3. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    Thank you sir
  4. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    I just called the Fish Room in VB and they are still open too.
  5. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    Awesome, between those two and the place in fayetteville I should be set to stock my 30 gallon.
  6. vb68

    vb68 Guest

    I live in Van Buren and IMO it better to take a road trip to Fayetteville. I'm about 3mins from the one in Van Buren.
  7. smoke74

    smoke74 Plankton

    Be careful at the fish room they sold us some fish and told us they would be ok in our tank and then turned out they were not...we do alot of research now before we go in there but the fish seem healthy for the most part and decent prices.
  8. jonwright

    jonwright Guest

    well, also keep in mind that generally it's still a crap-shoot with adding fish. They are still individuals so while maybe on the whole they SHOULD be ok, doesn't necessarily mean that it will be the same for the fish YOU get. Fish that can get along in a 180 may not in 30 for instance.

    As my 4 year old says about various things: "some do, and some don't"

    So I always take any stocking compatability advice with a grain of salt. YMMV. Unless it's a definate don't...that I really take to heart (like, no lionfish with clowns for instance!).

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