Blackworms for copperband butterfly

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by sethmcc, May 30, 2015.

  1. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    I have a large CBB that will NOT eat. I've tried mysis in pvc pipe with holes in it, brine shrimp, blood worms, new life spectrum pellets, clams on the half shell with no luck. I read live blackworms were good to get them eating but I've never heard of then until now and don't know where to buy then other than online. Any suggestions?
  2. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

  3. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

  4. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    I found it dead this morning. There may have been something else wrong with it. Idk.

    Attached Files:

  5. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    Sorry for the loss. Looking at the picture again it looks like it may have had something like flukes or lymphocytosis (which is not lethal). Good luck next time.
  6. Lyndya

    Lyndya Blenny

    ): Hope he wasn't in your DT.
  7. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    He was in the display. I've rounded all the fish up and put them in a quarantine tank. I'm going to leave them in there for about 60days. I'm going to treat with copper then some Melafix marine.
  8. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    Their temporary home.


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