Coral Beauty

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by jonwright, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. jonwright

    jonwright RRMAS Supporter

    I have a Coral Beauty in my display now. I *think* she's nipping at my SPS. Totally leaves my 2 clams, frog spawn, zoas, and leather coral alone, however, so she's definitely safe for them.

    I've had her since Sept, QT'd medicated etc. before I put her in display - no disease noted since.

    If you may be interested let me know. In no hurry to do anything with her, though.
  2. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    That's really weird. I've always heard that SPS was the only kind of coral that was generally not on the menu with dwarf angels! Thanks for busting my bubble! :p
  3. jonwright

    jonwright RRMAS Supporter

    She just nips. Likes to nip occasionally at the birdsnest and the acros, especially. She doesn't seem to take the polyps off, but just nips around.

    More I'm hoping to get better Polyp extension rather than worried that she's eating the corals.

    They used to be out all the time, but it could be a lot of things.
  4. fattytwobyfour

    fattytwobyfour Grouper

    Mine nips SPS too. It actually liked the birdsnest David that you gave me.

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