New Stock at The Fish Tank

Discussion in 'THE FISH TANK - Little Rock, AR' started by TFTank, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. TFTank

    TFTank Plankton

    Hey guys,
    Hope I'm posting this in the right place. Let me know if I need to move it.

    We've got lots of lovely critters in!
    Fish highlights:
    The cutest, tiniest Striped Dogface I've ever seen
    Gorgeous Square Anthias
    Small and Medium Hippos
    Metallic Foxface
    Red Scat (for your larger tank, Aiptasia-eating needs)
    Stripey Fish
    A mess of Yellow Tangs
    Golden Tiger Blenny

    Coral/ Invert highlights:
    More (yes, more, but only a few) Acros - stunning!!!
    Some really hot Mushroom rocks
    Anemones everywhere! Condys, Bubbles, and a Long Tentacle
    Blue Linkia Star
    Some nice "nano" frags - Duncan, Flowerpot, Favia, Sun Polyps

    I'll try to take some pictures when my fingers unfreeze! Hope to see you guys soon!

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