1st tank after 6mths

Discussion in 'Tank Pictures' started by sethmcc, May 30, 2010.

  1. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    I'm just getting started in the hobby. Any suggestions or comments are very welcome.

    55 gallon
    4x54watt T5s(2 blue)now -waiting for new lights in mail, coralife aqualight elite 2x175 MH+2pcs
    3 koraila powerheads - a 1, 2, and 3 power
    Coralife Super Skimmer 65
    Emperor power filter 280
    Hydor Theo heater
    SeaChem reef salt
    1Yellow tang
    1 Coral Beauty
    2 Clowns
    1 Firefsh

    yellow acro
    toadstool leather
    finger leather
    green buttons
    star polyps
    blue mushrooms
    sun coral
    purple tip frogspawn
    hammer coral
    green tip torch
    pulsing Xenia
    2 clams (not sure what kind)

    cleaner skunk shrimp
    sally light foot
    6 turbo snails
    10 blue hermits

    bubble tip anemone

    I want to start keeping sps, so thats why i ordered the new lights, but found out the fixture in 2 inches deeper than my tank :( I'll have to improvise so sort of mounting.
  2. [​IMG]
    to Razorback Reef Reefing Forum[​IMG]

    Petty tank, fish & corals ! Thanks for starting a tank thread & sharing with us ! [​IMG]
  3. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    Tank now with Coralife Aqualight Elite 48''
    2x175 MH plus @ 2x96w True Actinics
    10'' above tank
    Looks so much better with mh
  4. Beautiful tank !
  5. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    Updated tank pic

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