2013 September Minutes

Discussion in 'MEETING MINUTES' started by whippetguy, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    Attendees: Whitney Butler, Whitney Butler, Anaiah Butler, Jason Todd, Duane Birky, Calvin Koone, Blake Christmas, Mike Jenkins, Greg Eller, Kim Ettleman, John Ledbetter, Corey Rose, Norman Davis, David Martin, Chris Little, Andrew Stauber, Amy Hartsfield, Dane Pardon, Ann Watson, Shane Perryman, John Pettit, David Pettit

    Meeting was called to order by Whitney Butler.

    Old Business:
    1. 501c3 status should be complete within 2 weeks

    New Business:
    1. Photo Contest: Motion was made and passed unanimously to have a seasonal photo contest, ie. spring, summer, winter, fall. Winning photo will get a $50 gift certificate to a local sponsor. The categories will consist of coral, fish, invertebrate, and full tank shot. The category will be posted prior to the contest.
    2. T-shirts: Discussion consisted of whether or not to buy new t-shirts for the club or find a website to make shirts for us on an individual basis order. Calvin volunteered to work on it.
    3. Motion was made, seconded and unamimously passed to have the Board of Directors and officers choose, contract, and authorize payment for the host/administrator of our site. Calvin has submitted a proposal consisting of a $500/year contract to host the site and provide 18 hours of work on the site per year. Any hours past that would be charged at $50/hr.
    4. Business cards: Appears that we currently have enough.
    5. Discussion of changing the club name. Most were in favor of leaving it as is.

    Meeting was adjourned. Lunch was provided by the club.

    Nice frags of an orange digitata and a hollywood stunner chalice were distributed to all those who attended the meeting.

    Next month's meeting will be on October 19, 2013 at Blake Christmas' place at 11:00 am. Further information will be provided on the banner.

    Special thanks to The Fish Tank for hosting our meeting and to all those who gave up a gorgeous Saturday morning to attend.

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