29 Bio-Cube build

Discussion in 'Tank Pictures' started by meco65, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    I just wanted to share my tank with everyone. The build started almost a year ago. I have wanted a Tank like this for quite some time so I wanted to do it the best I could. This is the first new tank build like this I have done. I have had a few new tanks in my time but they were not of this caliber.
    It all started with a trip to NSA, and I was there for almost two hours before deciding on the tank I wanted. The Bio-Cube 29 is just a good looking tank, sleek and self contained. They gave me a price I could not turn down, and a credit for livestock, as they were having a deal that if you bought a new tank you got the same value in stock as the tank its self would cost, extra $150 for later. I went a head and bought LS,LR also and a RO/DI. The Bio-Cube has been the easiest tank to care for I have had. So here a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to get a 14 Gal Bio-Cube for $150 tank, stand, LR, LS and all, could not pass that up either. They are my Bio-twins ha ha. Here are some pics .
  2. JoeB

    JoeB Guest

    nice pics! I really love looking at these that show the progression from beginning to now. Gives me some motivation that my patience will pay off! Thanks for posting!
  3. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    Very nice job. The reef looks great!!!
  4. I like your aquascape - pretty tanks ! Thanks for sharing [​IMG]
  5. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    [​IMG] Smaller tanks seem to be easier to take care of. Im glad your twin reefs are doin so well.

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