Anemone crab

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by Marti, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I have a pair on my carpet, is it possible to tell the difference in sex?

  2. Jim

    Jim Guest

    Yes, the male will have his claws over his ears. :)
  3. sealess

    sealess Guest

    ROFLMBO!! [​IMG]

    JIM!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!

    Marti, that is the most gorgeous crab I've ever seen - sorry I can't answer your question but I want one!!!
  4. The male is the smarter one Marti [​IMG]
  5. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I have reached the conclusion that men can't tell the difference. :p haha

    Sealess- thank you!

    One of the crabs is MIA. I'm hoping that it's hiding in the rocks. :(
  6. sealess

    sealess Guest

    MIA?? There's your answer! It's probably the male - did "he" have chores to do??! [​IMG]

    Hope you see the little critter soon.
  7. Marti

    Marti Guest

    LOL Sealess there's hope for you yet!
    I'm afraid the other one has went to the Happy Crab place in the sky. Last time I saw it there was a blue leg crab by the anemone and the crab was waving it's claws like crazy. I'm afraid he might have got into it with the blue leg. :( Still hoping to see it soon tho.
  8. jaysaunt

    jaysaunt Guest

    The male is the one with the remote that he can't let go of.

  9. FishFace

    FishFace Guest

    The male is your missing crab. He's probably just lost and refuses to ask for directions.
  10. jamesamantha

    jamesamantha Guest

    Where is the moderator of this forum???? PLEASE activate the "No females allowed to post" feature to this thread!!!!
  11. Marti

    Marti Guest

    LOL The moderator IS female! :p
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Check again Marti there seems to not be any moderator for this one. :-D
  13. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Right Casey but yu didn't have to share that! LOL
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    lol. it was just a matter of time. :-D
  15. jamesamantha

    jamesamantha Guest

    Darn! I missed that one. But thanks for getting my back Casey.

    Take that Marti!!!
  16. jaysaunt

    jaysaunt Guest

    Whoa! No fair ganging up on Marti! Sorry if the "females" put you on the defensive!

    Kathy [​IMG]

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