corals on bottom of tank

Discussion in 'Corals' started by bauxitechuck, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. bauxitechuck

    bauxitechuck Guest

    What are some good corals for the bottom of my tank?I like zoos and leathers but can they go on the bottom?
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes they can, usually they are both attached to a piece of rock and you can just set them on the bottom, I have actually had both grow right on the sand bed, but really is better if they can attach to something to hold them in place
  3. There are several things to consider if you want a coral to live on your substrate. One is light, but the other is its natural habitat. Fungia, tongue, some plates,and elegance corals are some that live solitary lives on the sand bed of a reef. I have several fungia and a scolymia on my substrate. The scolymia is a single plolyp lps that gets huge and covers alot of space, but a bit pricey.

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