does anyone dose with sugar?

Discussion in 'Chemistry' started by spilledsalt, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. spilledsalt

    spilledsalt Guest

    I am considering carbon dosing using sugar, but I need more details, there is not much out there, can anyone help me out?
  2. tinkereef

    tinkereef Guest

    From what I've read about sugar dosing it's really easy to mess up.  One guy was dosing literally a tablespoon every few weeks in over a 300 gallon tank and if he put more than that it the tank became cloudy and gross looking as it was apparently too much.  Apparently it's significantly more difficult to know how much to use and how often to use it whereas with carbon it's much much much less likely to jack something up as long as you rinse it and follow the suggest guidelines on the container.  I'll admit sugar is cheaper... I mean $2.50 for a 4lb bag at your local grocer, but overall I'm fairly certain that in the long run a $10 container of carbon is going to be a LOT cheaper than a total foul up if you dose too much sugar.
    That having been said I don't dose with it.  Personally I'd rather JUST use the carbon every now and then if I absolutely have to.  Normally keeping up with your water changes and basic maintenance and testing your water to make sure you're well within normal ranges on things, you really shouldn't have to run carbon that often. 
  3. greentrees

    greentrees Guest

    If my feeble memory serves me isn't your tank fairly new ???? And what makes you want to start dosing with a carbon source so soon  ???? Usually carbon dosing is done to feed the bacteria that will consume nitrates and phosphates, on a new tank you really should not have any. The more common source folks are using is vodka or vinegar and both methods take a little bit of tinkering with the dose to achieve the results you are looking for. Now there are even bio-pellets that you run in a reactor for carbon dosing. Do a search on Reef Central in the chemistry forum and you should find more than enough reading material on dosing carbon sources to keep you busy for quite some time.Many people are using these methods with great results but it is also easy to cause some other issues in your tank if you do not follow the directions for each different source . vodka,vinegar, sugar. Just be sure to do your research and carefully consider what the results or consequences for your tank can be. I started dosing with vodka but due to work and various other things could not keep up with the dosing schedules and if  you miss a couple days or more you basically have to start all over with it.

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