Extra light fixture?

Discussion in 'DIY' started by amanning, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. amanning

    amanning Guest

    Hello DIY'ers...

    Would it be possible (or sane?) to put an extra light fixture on my 12 gal nano so that I can hook up two light bulbs instead of one? It currently has one straight pin set up.

  2. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

  3. amanning

    amanning Guest

    hmmm well shoot that takes the fun right out of it. lol In any case, since it's not cross compatible with the old one, that means I'll have two useless light bulbs and the objective was to use them both! lol Thank you for the link though. I may just be stuck with that. It would provide me with a nice lighting increase though.

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