Frogspawn abnormal?

Discussion in 'Corals' started by Marti, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Today I noticed my frogspawn has a large round bubble that was once one of it's "arms". Is something wrong with it?
  2. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    would help to see a photo. !!!
  3. Marti

    Marti Guest

    It is just one of the polyps and it's smaller than golf ball. Looks a bit weird.
    I'll have to get Jim to take it when he get's in tomorrow. You don't want to see one of my pictures LOL
  4. The first time that I saw what you are describing was in Erics tanks with his torch coral witch I think that he said was a sign of asexual reporduction. I have seen this on my bubble, so it is not abnormal as all three of the species that we have seen this on are from the genus cataphylia.
  5. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I wondered about that. Thanks :)
    I'm still going to have Jim get a pic of it. It will be tomorrow tho, he's about to head for work.
  6. Bobby@W.U.W

    Bobby@W.U.W Guest

    cataphyllia ?? an elegance corral?
    frogspawn, hammer, and torch are Euphyllia Right?
  7. SLUGG3R

    SLUGG3R Guest

    What Chris is describing from my tank ended up being how one of the heads of my torch coral split. It went directly from 1 head to 5. While it was splitting I had a bubble over the head while the new branches grew out.

    It took about 6 months, maybe longer for the bubble to go away.
  8. Bobby@W.U.W

    Bobby@W.U.W Guest

    Thats pretty sweet. Do you have pic’s?

    All I was saying is that a cataphyllia is an elegance coral.
    Your torch is an euphyillia, I think, unless it has been reclassified. Its no big-e. [​IMG]

    People come and browse this forum from all over. As a community we need to try to give out the most up to date and correct information as possible so others will respect actions and information from this site. All it takes is a google. Jest trying to do my part. no dis on anyone. [​IMG]
  9. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

  10. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Sorry, forgot to ask Jim to get a pic of it. I'll call him today and see if he could get one for me.
    Thank you all for the info!
  11. Bobby@W.U.W

    Bobby@W.U.W Guest

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thanks jaysuncle for the link. So do they have two genus names? Sorry for my mistake I jest have always know them as being different genus. Chris you were right. My Bad. I wish elegance were as hardy as euphyillia spc.
    I apologize for taking the thread in the wrong direction. I had a montapora digi start bubbling at the tips once. It got hijacked by a rose before i could find out why[​IMG]
  12. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    According to Fenner:

    Family Euphylllias
    Genus Catalaphyllia - Elegance
    Genus Euphyllia - Hammer, Frogspawn, Grape, Torch, etc.
  13. Marti

    Marti Guest

    No apology necessary! Any time we can share information and learn is a good thing :)

    Great link Joe. Haven't seen Jim long enough in the last few days for him to get a picture. I'm working a lot of hour's. I'll try in the morning but my pictures aren't good as his.

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