Harlequin Tusk Wrasse

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by aaronh, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. aaronh

    aaronh Guest

    I want to get a Harlequin Tusk Wrasse for my wife. Does anybody have any info on them? I know they eat inverts, and what the Google says, but does anybody have first hand experience with them. I have a FOWLR tank with a Luner Wrasse, Dog Face puffer, Niger Trigger, Picaso Trigger, and a big Maroon gold stripe clown. Will it be ok in with these fish?
  2. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    Depending on your tank size, you have several fish that well get big, the Harleguin ought to hold his own, especially if hes similar in size to the others. The lunare wrasse well probably give him the worst time if at all. You should have a QT for him of course and that can also be used as a escape tank if for some reason he doesn't get along, but with the fish you have he should do fine.
  3. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    My favorite fish. My experience with them is that despite their looks they are a pretty delicate fish. They are sometimes difficult to introduce to a tank with dominate fish already in place. They tend to be a shy fish not tolerating the bullying from other more agressive fish. I would consider them to be a first fish to introduce, but it must be an established system. After they are used to the tank and have a secure sleeping place you could slowly introduce the other fish. I would say in your case pass this one up. If you do decide to get one anyway make sure it's the australian tusk, not the indo. They are 3 times the money, but have the best survival rate.
  4. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    Yeh I agree with Norman that your tank needs to be well established for a tusk and that the Aussies are better. It would also depend on the size of the current fish. if they are smaller then the tusk that would help. But you should still have a QT setup so you can get him used to you and the feedings and incase you need to get him or one of the others out and reintroduce them later or someone in that tank get aggressive, and that can happen anytime down the road, not all fish stay friendly to each other even later down the road in a tank like yours.

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