help with hard coral identification

Discussion in 'Corals' started by tangafish, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    I just received a shipment of live rock from tampa bay saltwater and I received several hard corals and i am not sure what kind they are. the 4th one when i got it was a light purple or lilac color but under my vho's has lost it color.. I appreciate your input so maybe i can figure out what care it needs.
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    Did these come in on the rock or did you order these separatly?

    Oh, and smaller pics next time please :wink: No worries though.
  3. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    sorry about the pics, i am a copy paster so not quite sure how to do it, i am amazed it even worked.. some of them are attached to the rock mainly the mound or boulder ones but the branching corals were just loose corals he sent me. i just dont have a clue what they are and what i am going to have to spend to upgrade my lights to give them what they need. I missed the lighting discussion saturday which might have answered some of those
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    just post your questions here and beanhead will answer away :-D
  5. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    What do you have for lights now?
  6. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    i have vho's 2 super actinic(blue), and 2 FR72T12/VHO (UV lighting company)of the 10000k wattage is 475 which gives me per gallon 3.5 watts per gallon. I have 2 of the blue boxes. I probably have enough space to add another bulb but not sure if it would really help or any clue to go about doing it. .i would LOOOVE to eventually get into some sps but dont have the $ for that upgrade right now but I dont want to loose my corals is a pic of my lighting system, hope it comes out right, tried to shrink it down for ya.. appreciate the help.


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