How do I.....

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by phlash13, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Get rid of peppermint shrimp?!?
  2. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    Copper! lol, jk.  Try to lure him out with some food at night and net him. you might even put some food in the net then let it sit and wait for him to climb in.
  3. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Re: Re: How do I.....

    Arc eye hawkfish.:grin:

    Raffle grabber
  4. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I have a fish trap if you need it. Could catch him at night for sure.
  5. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    why do you want to get rid of him?
  6. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    It's not just one, all three! The reason is because one of them has developed a taste for pocillopora and seriatopora. Didn't know what was eating it but last night I caught it wrecking a new green pocillipora. It also has eaten parts of another pocillipora, and two birdsnests. Doesnt touch acros or monti.
    And so it's guilt by association so all three gotta go.
    Norm I may take you up on that trap.
    Although @ how long would it take to catch all of them? And is it cool if I have it that long? and if not does someone have one for sale?
  7. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    How long it takes depends on your trapping ability and willingness of the shrimp to explore the trap. They are very active at night, so you shouldn't have a problem with fish running them out of the trap. I can show you how it works when you pick it up. There are also several models on sale at places like Marine Depot. I find it usefull from time to time and think it would be a good piece of equipment to have around.
  8. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I've got 2 HUNGRY volitans you can borrow!!!  Guaranteed to rid your tank of all shrimp, and possiably anything else they can catch haha.
  9. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Thanks for help! Caught one last nite in a fish trap. Although having a hard time keeping bait, 3 cleaner shrimp keep relieving me of it. Lol
    Also having a hard time with door on trap, it doesn't want to go down after I release the string. Any suggestions?
  10. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I put a split shot fishing weight on the string just above the door. Helped me a lot
  11. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    I have split shots if you need some.
  12. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Good idea, thanks.

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