I just ordered a RARE FRAG PACK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by joshd123, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. joshd123

    joshd123 Guest

    I just ordered a Rare frag pack. I got a AMAZING DEAL. Here is the stock list.
    5 candy apple reds
    5 candy apple greens
    5 sour apples
    5 mohawks
    5 stardust pe's
    5 true rpe's
    5 purple deaths
    5-8 polyps of tubs blue
    2 Purple People Eaters

    Does anyone have any ideal what this pack is worth?
    I do haha.
  2. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Very nice selection! Hope to see some pictures of them when you get them settled.
  3. How did the frag pack work out.
  4. joshd123

    joshd123 Guest

    The Purple People Eaters, Mowhak, Red People eaters, Stardustare, and Purple Death doing good. I built a frag rack and it fell and the rest slid off into some fuzzy mushrooms. They got stung pretty bad. They are not opening, But, I think they will be ok. Only time will tell.

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