JBJ 28G HQI with refugium

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by chenaltutor, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. chenaltutor

    chenaltutor Guest

    I am setting up another tank and wanted to see if anyone had any comments or thoughts on this setup.

    I took a JBJ 28G HQI tank and added the small 2G CPR refugium to the back. (I saw one other internet person who's done this.) The refugium pump is actually a little big to go in the rear chambers. It was taken off the refugium and now sits in the bottom of chamber 2 and connects back to the refugium through a hose. So the little pump now has to raise the water about 8 inches, but I have been told that the pump flow is typically too strong.

    I feel that this set up gets me a refugium to help with the main tank, while giving me a little water surface to cool off with a fan. Because of three children in the house I like have the tank top on, since so far they've only thrown coco puffs and wooden trains into the tanks.

    The tank is now a little tight for a skimmer. I aggressively change water though and could try and squish the skimmer back in if necessary.

    Any thoughts? Actually, anyone have one of those little pico CF light fixtures before I go to shopping for a little light in a few weeks?
  2. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    If you can handle weekly water changes, I wouldn't worry about a skimmer.

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