Kevin's masterpiece on Amatos tank

Discussion in 'Tank Pictures' started by amatos, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. amatos

    amatos Guest

    Kevin came yesterday and installed or canopy and finished our stand it looks AWESOME! Will post pictures later as soon as we all get time just wanted to tell him thanks again!
  2. Looking forward to seeing the pics !
  3. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

  4. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    speeking of pictures blake were are yours and the closed in wall look ?
  5. ljinks

    ljinks Tang

    we broke the camera moving that beast in?

    tiny ate it?

    hold on blake probably thinking of some other good excuses
  6. amatos

    amatos Guest

    lol I guess I am slipping huh?  I promise when I get back home tomorrow to take pics and post them ....if I can get them to upload.  Sorry I totally forgot to do this ..we love it and are so excited about it ...totally changed the appearance of our tank!!  Thanks for reminding me ....btw Blake we are going to need some help and heard you were the man to talk to...we bought a calicum reactor that we plan on installing in the next couple of weeks but this is our first and not real sure on how to do this think you could come lend us a hand when we get to that point?  It didnt come with the co2 tank and regulator so we in the process of getting that also think we are going to go ahead and put a ph probe on it since it has a spot for one, you have any of those or can you get us one? 
  7. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    Yep. I can help you out. Kevin was talking about having to go over this week or something. I will probably try to hitch a ride with him. Just give me a shout about the probe (501-743-8773).

    Oh and the pictures.... I haven't posted them to create a since of suspense. Yeah that's it
  8. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    here are a few pictures of amanda and steves stand
  9. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    Looking Good.
  10. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    Great looking tank and stand. You got it finished in record time, we should all be so lucky !!!
    I have always liked the room divider look. Viewing the tank from both sides add a challenge to the aquascaping, but has a nice effect.

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