long tentacle plate coral

Discussion in 'Corals' started by terancevan88, Dec 24, 2010.

  1. terancevan88

    terancevan88 Blenny

    will a plate corals tentacles get small while it poops? mine was big and pretty for a few days then i fed it last night. this morning still looked good now about 30 minutes ago all its tenacles got really small and it looks like its pooping is this all normal or is something wrong?
  2. terancevan88

    terancevan88 Blenny

    i also just cleaned my sand and moved him around a little bit is he just mad at me?
  3. greentrees

    greentrees Guest

    I would not be concerned, sounds like a normal cycle to me. I have anemones do the exact same thing in a few hrs check on it and it should be back to normal.
  4. terancevan88

    terancevan88 Blenny

    hes starting to fill back out im new just got a little scared!

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