Maumelle Store Closing

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by jerryla, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. jerryla

    jerryla Plankton

    Just took a trip to Northside Aquatics in Maumelle. They will be closing at the end of the month. I hate to see that. It was close to where I live, I have gotten lots of advice from Vanessa and Mike. Hate to see them go. Big sales over the next 30 days. From what I gather all dry goods for sale now, livestock will be sold over next 30 days.... the last week will be the killer sales .
  2. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    I was about to post this too Jerry. I hate to see any LFS close. Everything (tanks,rock,fish,coral) will be open to bids. I may bid on a couple corals. That tall semi circle fresh water tank intrigues me. It has an overflow and sump.
  3. jerryla

    jerryla Plankton

    Hey Doc, I went there early this morning and set in on a beginner reef tank session held by Vanessa, good conversation with 3 or 4 other reefers. I was shocked, hate to see any small business close. I do understand being "over it" and wanting to move on. My wife and I just sold our business about 5 months ago, it can become all consuming. We went back by about 4 this afternoon and there was a feeding frenzy in the store. I overheard someone say most of the stuff would be gone in a couple of weeks. Yeah, the semi circle tank is nice. I am obsessed with the tank Sean had for sale at the last meeting. I found another one just like it on eBay, not as good a price. I don't need another tank but sure liked the look of that one.
  4. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    I was also there about an hour before was crazy busy. It's time to replace my T-5 bulbs and was hoping to get a good deal on them, but they were already sold out of the size I needed.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  5. jerryla

    jerryla Plankton

    Good to see you yesterday Kim, I apologize for not remembering your name. I know faces, names sometimes escape me. Yes, it was a zoo in there yesterday which is good for them. If their waiting a couple more weeks to discount the livestock, do you think there will be any health issues created by the livestock tanks being so active with employees in and out of them? Will that be an issue the further along they go with the closing sale. BTW, my mushroom is doing great. Thanks
  6. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    It might actually wean out the unhealthy. I've always had good luck with their livestock.

    I saw some interesting fish there yesterday. A nice Potter's angel, nicest Mystery Wrasse I've ever seen and two really nice Toby puffers (Valentini and Blue Spotted).
  7. cwmorrow

    cwmorrow Plankton

    It is a shame. They are the only freshwater guys around.
  8. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Jerry, no problem! I'm just as bad with names. Faces I'm much better at. I thought their saltwater stock was down anyway, so doubt anything will really make it until the final sale.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  9. cwmorrow

    cwmorrow Plankton

    My return pump failed. I saw one on sale Saturday. Sunday the vultures were out in force, and it had been sold.

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