Meeting frags

Discussion in 'Corals' started by phlash13, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Jeff is "the man" and has been getting us great corals for the meeting. I know it's not the only reason to go to meeting but definitely a great perk. Anybody who's not going has been missing out!

    Just wanna put pics of them here. and see the different growth patterns and coloration. Also tell what it is(?)and what meeting month it came from!
    Pink milli( sorta )
    From the fish bowl in searcy at reefsplash
  2. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Purple green blue spot mushrooms
    Frag fest - pet country - conway
    Love these mushrooms they look almost like live rock
  3. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Green bottle brush acro
    Blue tip green body Acro
    Xmas party- the fish tank
  4. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Light Green body pink tip Acro
    Meeting at Luke's house
  5. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    Here's the blasto I received from the October meeting at Greg's, and sinularia from the fish tank Xmas party.
  6. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Blastos look good. Forgot about those. That sinularia is growing good. Although I think the October meeting was the West Tennessee frag swap.
    I made out like a bandit there. So did Jeff. I bought 10 frags from for a 100$ and an awesome maxima from Atlantis.
  7. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    Excellent point John, while we hope you come for more than just the frag's; some of my best corals came from our meeting and Jeff does a great job making sure we get great frag's
  8. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Well I guess I better start taking pictures tonight of all the favorites from meetings.

    Raffle grabber
  9. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

    Who's John.
  10. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    Excellent point Phillip; had just read John's post and with me being old with dementia I am easy to confuse.
  11. phlash13

    phlash13 Guest

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