My Nano's

Discussion in 'Tank Pictures' started by madcat, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. madcat

    madcat Guest

    Never did get to post my pics... So busy and all.. not to mention i had a Real set back in the tanks and was to embarrassed to post them lol... but finally I'm taking time to show off my Newbness and hopefully somebody will see something I cannot. Ill make another post in the proper forum about the Problems I've had over the last few months... but anyway here is my 14 gal nano mostly sps a few lps and zoa's,  opposum  wrasse a spotfin blenny  a red headed goby and the cleanup crew. I know its over stocked but most everything is going to a new larger home soon...
    ca 430, dK 9, ph 8.0 +/- 0.2 usually (-), sg 1.026, mg 1100, temp 72-74F
    150w HQI 20k 13hrs/day moon lites 24/7, oceanics air driven protein skimmer
    weekly water changes 20%  + dry chemicals CaCl , Carbonate and bicarb as needed and feed 3 times a week a concoction of dried and liquid foods...
    i had it really Rocking at one point , unbelievable growth for about 2 months. but it spun out and crashed ,sniff sniff and for the life of me cant get it dialed back in. everything is faded and just hanging on.. Teeter Tottering back and forth. some things are doing fine and growing, others not as good...
    ill post the 27 and 60gal later, need to compress the files yet. and this stupid connection is taking forever...
    ttyl  have fun
  2. Looks great !

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