NWAAS September: Collecting in Peru (Jeremy Basch of Ohio)

Discussion in 'Clubs/Groups From Around Our Region' started by mewickham, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. mewickham

    mewickham Plankton


    Jeremy Basch currently lives in Columbus, Ohio, but is originally from Westlake, Cleveland, OH. He started keeping fish around 22 years ago when his father took him to a pet shop. At around 16, Jeremy started working at one of the local fish stores and started to acquire various sized aquariums and fish. He became hooked.

    This continued until 2004, when he setup his first fish room. Currently Jeremy is on his third modified fish room design which now contains 100+ aquariums ranging in size from 2.5 to 150 gallons. Over the years, he has bred over 40 species of fish, including many cichlids, catfish, rainbows, killifish, livebearers, and invertebrates.

    Jeremy’s main focus is on the cichlids and catfish from South America and killifish from West Africa. He is a current member and the chairman of the Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts. Other fish associations he has belonged to include the Ohio Cichlid Association, the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society, the American Killifish Association, and the American Cichlid Association. He has written a few articles which have appeared in the Buntbarsche Bulletin and his hometown club's newsletter, the CAFE Menu. Jeremy can be seen at many fish shows and conventions throughout the Midwest.

    Jeremy's current talks include programs on South American Geophaganii, South American Cichlids, South American Loricarridae, a recent trip to the Madre de Dios region of Peru, South America, and his current fish room layout. Jeremy's 2010 trip to the Madre de Dios region of Peru was a trip of a lifetime with being able to collect cichlids, catfish, tetras, killifish, invertebrates, and aquatic plants. He will illustrate his travel with many photos.

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