pearly jaw fish looks beat up

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by edesjar2000, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    My pearly jaw fish looks to have been eaten by other fish or sifting live rock might have hurt him. He keeps jumping into the surfice skimmer bowl. His back is curved like the dolphin in dolphin tale the movie. He finds a corner and stays there before always going back to the skimmer bowl. Need help with identifying what's possibly wrong here??? image.jpg image.jpg

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2015
  2. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    edesjar can you get a better picture? I really can't tell much from the pics. What other fish/inverts are in your tank? What kind of substrate do you have?

    There are some pretty experienced guys here that may have seen something similar.
  3. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    There you go. Thanks for looking. I have a rasp, fire fish, tiger stripe shrimp pared with a orange spotted golby, two peppermint shrimp, two clowns, spotted red fire shrimp
  4. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    Hmmm. I don't know. The behavior of jumping in to the overflow makes me wonder if he's being bullied by a tankmate but you don't have any super aggressive fish other than the clowns.

    When you say rasp do you know the species (scientific name)? The goby would be a competitor for territory and food. I assume he was in the tank before the jawfish?
  5. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    Looks like the spine may have been dislocated. Any chance the tiger shrimp popped the jawfish?

    Also, some tropical fish get curved spine disease but I've never read about saltwater fish getting it.
  6. Deton8it

    Deton8it President Staff Member

    The Orange Spot Goby and Pearly Jawfish are not compatible. They are both "shrimp gobies". They will fight to the death if you don't get one of them out of there. Also, Jawfish are notorious jumpers, especially at night. If they aren't comfortable, with a "home" in your tank, they will jump. I think the reason he is bent is he is ready to escape fast. He is cocked back like a snake would be. Snakes cock back to strike, he is cocked back to escape (jump).
  7. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    Thanks for the feedback. I've noticed one of the clown paying a lot of attention to the jaw fish. Last night clown fish went down towards several times and the jaw fish freaked and jumped into skimmer bucket.
  8. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    Yes the spotted golby doesn't take any flack but I've never seen him attack the jaw fish. They usually are on opposite sides of the tank, alright the tiger shrimp digs a tunnel probably at least half way to the middle of tank
  9. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    I'm new to any type of blog or site but is there a trading type of system people are willing to do? I'm probably getting get rid of the clown that is attacking.
  10. Deton8it

    Deton8it President Staff Member

    Getting rid of the clown wont solve the problem. You will still have a Jawfish and Goby that will not get along. You will still have to get rid of one of them.

  11. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    The jawfish is pretty beat up. You think someone will trade for him. Doesn't seem fair to let him suffer.
  12. edesjar2000

    edesjar2000 Plankton

    The jawfish is pretty beat up. You think someone will trade for him. Doesn't seem fair to let him suffer.

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