Pepperment Shrimp Molted

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by Robby.F, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Robby.F

    Robby.F Guest

    I woke up this morning around 10 thanks to there not being school [​IMG] turned on my actinic lights looked in my tank and saw the molted shell of my pepperment at first I thought he was dead, clowns were still swimming happily, then I saw the shrimp hanging under one of my rocks next to it swaying back and forth. My question is should I get out the molted shell if I can or would it be best to leave it be?

  2. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    you can leave it there it wont hurt anything your snails and crabs may eat it so your o.k.
  3. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I have never known it to hurt anything leaving it in the tank, and as Cindy said the crabs and others may benefit from eating it. If it were a dead animal I would say remove it as soon as you see it, but don't think this would be a problem

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