RazorBack Reef junkie

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by meco65, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    I think I'm addicted to RR.  I check this site more than I check my e-mail. or facebook.  I just love to see what all is going on, check on all the tank progress.
  2. speedstreetz

    speedstreetz Guest

    ditto.  I even had to find a way to get around the security block at work.
  3. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

  4. grimmett

    grimmett Tang

    I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  5. norahs_dad

    norahs_dad Guest

    Well I guess the first step is admitting we have a problem, but there are worse thing to be addicted too so I'm going to keep this one.
  6. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    All people really do is replace one addiction with another so techinally we are always addicted to something... Least being addicted to this isnt life threatening...

    Minus the tank crashes, losing expensive corals or fish and the threat of flooding the house I think we have a pretty good problem... I with Dad here... I think I will keep this one as well...LOL
  7. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    I think the most life threatening thing in this addiction is either electrocution or being murdered by your spouse, but I can't decide which is more dangerous! [​IMG]
  8. monkeybone87

    monkeybone87 Administrator

    the spouse...........hands down...........[​IMG]

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