Restoring our Reefs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nanoreefing4fun, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. mcmullenmark

    mcmullenmark Guest

    Great post Glen! I stumbled onto their site a while ago. I would love to be apart of their project and help transplant coral. Ha, any excuse to go diving!!! BTW.......they exist mainly off of donations from corporations, groups, individuals, and grants. It would be great if Razorback Reef made a donation. I know CRF could surely use the money and it could be a great way for Razorback Reef to start spreading it tentacles and branching out of central AR. With nearly 400 members (not sure how many active), donating a small amount would add up very quickly! Anybody else have an opinion on the matter?

    I pledge $25.00
  2. grimmett

    grimmett Tang

    Try 93 active members. This donation would be a good topic to discuss at this months meeting if anyone would like to bring it up.
  3. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    A lot of people donate a small amount, always adds up to a great donation. I like it!

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