Small red polyp or something on trumpet coral

Discussion in 'Corals' started by mgersch, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. mgersch

    mgersch Guest

    Here is the trumpet coral frag I got at reef splash

    (I'm very sorry but this is the best pic I could get. I think it shows what I'm talking about however)

    There is a small red thing on it. It is about maybe 2mm. It appears to have a tiny hole in the center and there are 2 tiny antanae that extend out of it about 1cm

    Is it some sort of barnacle? Is it something bad to be removed? I'm paranoid after Mark's talk

    Please excuse my basic question, I'm still a newbie
  2. Hard to say without a close up pic, but you suggest that by calling it a barnacle that it is calcius in nature making it most likely a tube worm. Tube worms are not pests at all bit filter feeders. This is just a guess from the info that you gave. It you decide it is moving or get closer pics add them to the thread so that we can narrow it down.

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