Sure is quiet

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Marti, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Norman called and said they were having a wonderful time. He said lot's of tanks were set up with rare stuff in them. He really liked seeing those.
    I'm looking forward to OK conference, that's close to home :)
  2. Tiff and I were sure looking forward to CRASE as well. Friday, my manager posted the new schedule for the NOC, and of course my next rotation is Tues thru Sat 5am - 2pm. I guess I have to work instead of play.

    Oh well, it pays for my tanks.
  3. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Can you not get someone to switch days with you? You're going to miss all the fun. Sometimes the boss will let you do that.
  4. I may be able to every once in a while. If we have any meetings on Sunday or if we have any more meetings in NWA after 2pm I WILL be there.

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