T5 fixture ?'s

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by Tanks, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Tanks

    Tanks Guest

    YAY.. Tax refund = new tanks =D

    Boo.. stuck on sorting out lighting. I am torn between T5 and LED. Want to do mix of both down road.

    Has anyone had any experience with T5's like these. I see them a lot on Ebay and Amazon these days? http://www.amazon.com/2x24w-Actinic-Fixture-Aquarium-Light/dp/B00BI817EG/ref=sr_1_19?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1364157936&sr=1-19&keywords=T5 Decent or run away?

    Or would it be best to go with a fixture like this: http://www.fishneedit.com/t5ho-3ft--2lamp-aquarium-light.html from Fishneedit?

    I do plan on learning LED construction and making a supplement to accompany my T5 for max color and growth. Although part of me says "just buy the bloody DYI kit and sort it out ya lazy fart". :p

    We both plan on getting shallow tanks. I am leaning towards a Mr. Aqua 12 long (35.4x8.3x9.4) and Hubby is looking at an ADA 60-F (24x12x7) So with them being so shallow we will only need 2 bulbs in a T5 fixture for both tanks correct? Which fixture would be best to start off with? Best color choices for bulbs?

    Hubby is wanting to sump his tank.. but thats a whole other post which I will make once he gives me list of questions he wants asking. Want to nail down lights first. :)

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