What tangs are in stock?

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by ScubaDog, May 11, 2007.

  1. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    I am in the market for two groups of tangs. Each group will have its own tank. The groups I am looking for are a Yellow tang, kole, and achilies(the hawian biotope). The other is a purple, hippo and a last but not least a powder blue tang. If anyone knows that these fish are in stock in the Little Rock area please let me know. I am sure I could find them all in stock up in northwest Arkansas, but that is like a 12 hour round trip drive.

    What makes this task difficult is finding a complete group instock at the same time, since the tangs need to be introduced all at once.

    Ill make a trip down to monroe louisiana in the morning amd will hit like five salt shops, but the likelyhood of me finding what I want is pretty slim.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my mangeled rambling.
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    There is a pretty good looking purple and Regal (hippo) at Safari Pets in Cabot. Haven't looked at J-ville. NSA had purple, HUGE yellow, and a powder Blue yesterday.

    My wife, April, works at Safari Pets in Cabot, let me know if we need to hold them, I think they have a yellow also. She can find out if they have a Kole at J-Ville, but no luck with the Achilles at Safari.
  3. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    Thanks but dont hold them for me yet. I still need a day to clean up shillers clam tank. Ill see what Monroe has tomorrow and the next weekend I am off, My wife and I will make the trip up to Little Rock.
  4. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    If you could snag that bit for drilling a 1.5" sch. 80 bulkhead. And keep us posted on what you find. IF you will let me or Chris (he can call me) and we can have them order what you don't find down there. IF you just let us know the Monday before you head up my wife can order what you have left to get, they will get to the store on Thursday.
  5. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    Tell you what, if you PM me your mailing address I will mail the bit to you. I am still working massive amounts of overtime, an avarage of 70 hour workweeks. So honestly it would be at least a month before I will have another weekend off. So far this year alone I have allready worked over 300 overtime hours and will probally break the 1000 hour mark agen this year.
  6. grimmjohn

    grimmjohn Guest

    NSA should have a monster yellow, kole (yellow eye), monster purple (was Jame's baby till it picked at his cap), big blue, and a medium hippo this Thursday, I put a RS regal angel on the list too for the heck of it thinking to put him in the show tank untill somebody wants him...always thought it was weird how we never had angels when any reef tank over 75g can have a regal and any FOLW over 75 can have some sort of large angel, respective of size of caurse.
    If he actually sells maybe I could start sneaking in a majestic (also pretty reef safe), blueface, blue, or maybe even a juvi imperator/queen...just kills me all the big tanks around here, reef or not, and no large angels.
    Anyway, looks like thats your list 'cept for the achilies..would be another week for him..or your local petco sells them for like $54 lol, I was feeling smug after shaping that place up a lot and ordered one...long story short I gave a purple tang gratis to the guy that bought it to make up for it's inevitable death.


  7. grimmjohn

    grimmjohn Guest

    lol necro
  8. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    Good to hear from you John. Coming to the next meeting?
  9. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    Hey stranger, hows med school? I know a stupid question! Regal angles I have to agree are pretty sweet. I would love to have one but I pretty much have my tanks stocked with fish now. I have a large nasso and a small purple and flame fin tang. The other tank has a powder brown, yellow, and a regal and soon to be a yellow eye....

    But my pride and joy is the trio of barttlets!

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