WTB Green Slimer Or any SPS frag

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by taylor, May 28, 2007.

  1. taylor

    taylor Guest

    Hi I live in South Arkansas, El Dorado. I am looking for a frag of Green Slimer, if one has a frag they would like to sell please let me know.

    EDIT: I would be interested in any SPS frags


  2. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    I had a green slimer a couple of years back, I believe I gave a frag or two of it back to a member. Linda will give you a link of a site out of louisiana that has some green slimers for sale.

    Some time in the next year or so Ill have an extensive collection of acros agen once the tanks mature more.

    Welcome to the fourm, and thanks for the aquascaping ideas.
  3. taylor

    taylor Guest

    Yeah I can't wait to see you tanks full of coral. Let me know if you need anymore help doing anything.

  4. setflyer

    setflyer Guest

    Howdy partner, I am new to both reefing and this site. I can help you out with that green slimmer. I have a frag that you may have if you interested just drop me and email.
  5. taylor

    taylor Guest

    setflyer: I am waiting to hear back from you.

    I also have some Green Nepthea which is neon green under my T5 but more washed out under PC and I have some frags of braching neon green candy cane if anyone would rather want to trade instead of selling.

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