You can call me Mr....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tiger_eyed1, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    In two weeks you call can call me Mr. 72x24x30. I outgrew the 135. Just ordered me a RR AGA 220 w/ Custom Stand and MH Canopy.
    Will post pics when it gets here.
  2. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    I see Florida is being good to you...congrats.
  3. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Yes, Congratulations! I look forward to the pic's.
  4. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    Congratulations Marcus, I'm sure you will have it brimming full soon!
  5. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Thanks everyone.

    A tear came out when she told me I could get it. She really does love me :)
    I'm going to pick up a used 75g sump on Thursday.

    Scuba, I saw the picture of the wall unit on RC. WOW!!!!
    I showed the wife and she said "NO", then walked off. Strange.
  6. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    LOL Marcus, I bribed my wife with the plasma! And a Vegas trip or two.
  7. I am glad to here that you are moving on up. We have put our house on the market and will be building next year - so hopefully I can brag that mine will be bigger than yours next year. :p What is the the reef seen like down there? How are the fish stores?
  8. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    I'm glad you have to be 18 to join the club.

    There are LFS ever 2 miles down her but the quality and service $u(k$.
    You can go on RC and see stores get bashed left and right. I've been in at least 6 stores. In only two did they even speak to me and in only one did i get treated like they cared.
    You bet I'll be shopping around and probably buying most of my corals off people and the Internet until I find a store that i trust. They are really about the money down here. Now that i got that out, as far as variety they have everything you would ever want. Where can you walk into a shop, buy a tank, live sand, live rock, corals, fish, and filtered ocean water. have it delivered to your house that afternoon and be 100% operational that evening. Yes they do that down here.
  9. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    With so much competition, are the prices good on hardware?
  10. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Yes, the competition is crazy. I called three different stores to get their quotes and wrote them all down. I then physically went to the three stores and one other to get the best deal. I ended up paying $900 less than the lowest quoted price.
    Always remember that as the consumer you have the power. If the store wants your money they will work with you. Most stores down here advertise that they sell things at 2 x cost. So on big ticket items they will negotiate if you ask.
  11. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Went to the zoo a few weeks back with the inlaws

    No, that isn't me and my inlaw!

    Some turtles play hop skotch. That one never made it over and was very tired after trying.

    Me trying my luck.

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