A couple of new additions......

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by Jim, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Jim

    Jim Guest

    to our tank! :)

    A Coral Beauty!


    A Arch Eye Hawkfish!


  2. Great pictures!!! I am actually more jealous of the fact that you can have fish. The mystery of the disappearing fish continues for me as I lost my sailfin tang today to whatever has been consuming fish for the past year now. This time I feed everyone in the morning and that afternoon notices a fin and spine floating through the water, he had been completely consumed in about 4 hours. I is nice to now that I will never have a problem with detritus in that tank but crap, enough already. I had decided to break the tank down after the first of the year and now that the first is here it is going to happen sooner than later. I plan on removing everything in the tank, dipping everything to quell my flatworm problem, replace my plenum and hopefully discover some enormous crab or mantas shrimp hiding under some rock. I'll keep you posted.
  3. sealess

    sealess Guest

    aaahhhh! Christmas presents???

    The last picture is fan-freakin-tastic! HOW DID YOU GET THAT SHOT??

    Can't wait to use my NSA giftcard I got for Christmas - getting ready to start a QT soon... that will be a whole new thread![​IMG]
  4. Jim

    Jim Guest

    Thank you for the nice comments. :)

    Chris- I am sorry to hear about your Salfin Tang! :( I hope that you can find out what is getting your fish!

    Sealess- I had my camera set on a 2 second timer and as soon as it was taking the photo it captured the fish like that. I got lucky on that one! :)

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