Adding more Tangs?

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by tiger_eyed1, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    I moved a few weeks back so my tank is still cycling. I have my fish in the 30g20sump for now. My Display is 220 with 75g sump/fuge.
    Right now I have

    Sailfin Tang 6"
    Purple Tang 4"
    Queen Parrot 6"
    Bi-Color Parrot 3"
    Two Ocellaris clownfish 3"
    Mandarin 3"

    I estimate that based on captive fish sizes, these fish will be a total of 51"

    My LFS has a 180g full of yellow tangs (30 or so) The tank has lots or rock and he keeps them fed so they don't fight much at all. And it's cool how they swim and turn together.

    Lots of peopel down here are shutting down their tanks and bring their fish back to him so he said he's willing to make me a deal :)


    I was thinking about trading in the purple and the Bi-Color then get maybe 4 or 5 yellow tangs.

    1 Sailfin Tang 6"
    5 Yellow Tang 5"
    1 Queen Parrot 6"
    2 Two Ocellaris Clownfish 3"
    1 Mandarin 3"


  2. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    i dont think its a good idea to add too many of them to a tank that size. general rule for aggressive fish is under stock or overstock. in his case i would say the aggression is being dispersed by the numbers.with a few individuals the aggression can be targeted to one fish and they are often harrassed to death. if you were to try it i would add three small ones at once and hope for the best, but im not sure it will work for you.
  3. jaysaunt

    jaysaunt Guest


    It is good to hear from you. Hope your family is doing well. I think the 5 tangs sound like a good idea. Seems like your tank is big enough to handle them.

  4. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Yes, I named my fish

    What ratio do you follow? Inches?,Gallons?

    I've always gone by the way the tank looks and tank params. I have ample room as the tank looks empty with only those seven fish. The only ones that activly swim around are the two tangs and the queen. And I'm way under as far as bio-load from the fish. I'm the "Rock King".

    The plan is to introduce the yellows first. Then add the old crew a few hours later. I imagin that the Sailfin will be the boss as he always wants attention. The purple always follows the sailfin.

    I know people say to add them all at the same time but I have a feeling that I should let the new fish get settled first before Rosco & Boss Hog are added back to the tank.

    Hazzard County Members:

    Boss Hog - SailFin Tang
    Rosco - Purple Tang
    Lulu - Queen Parrot
    Cletus - Male Clown
    Miz Emma - Female Clown
    Flash - Mandrin
    Town Person #3 - Bi-Color Parrot

    Bo - Yellow Tang
    Luke - Yellow Tang
    Jessie - Yellow Tang
    Daysi - Yellow Tang
    Coy - Yellow Tang
    Vance - Yellow Tang
  5. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    i personally dont see a problem with the amount of tangs your adding. but from what i have read that many yellows are going to create a problem. i know you never really know until you try it but i was planning on adding 5 to my 480 gl system and 1 out of 5 people i have asked said it would work. the rest said it was going to end in a blood bath. all i can give you is others advise for now. i havent tried it yet.

    after reading more i have started collecting convict tangs and hippo tangs instead for shoals. so far i love the convicts but i want some more yellow as well in the tank.
  6. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    My hippo is more aggressive towards new tankmates than the yellow.
  7. I am curious if the store owner gave you a reason that people were shutting down there tanks.
  8. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Thanks for all the feedback. I'll keep you posted once I get the tangs.

    Had the spike in the tank cycle over the weekend. Had to shut the door to that room and open the windows. Uses a gallon jug of live sand from a friends DSB, a uncured rock fresh off the truck, and three shrimp from the grocery store. Nice and toxic :)

    We polled a few people and the reason people down here are shutting down their tanks is b/c of the economy.
    1. Electricity is going up. 60% of the bill is from the aquarium.
    2. Many people rent down here so to save money they move to smaller/cheaper units leaving no room for the aquarium.
    3. Sell aquarium = money to pay bills
  9. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

  10. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    My first purple costed me 75 bucks.....later when I started up the 180s the price went up to 125 for a small purple tang. As far as adding tangs I would mix up the genius up, for example a purple, hippo and an ancanathurs such as a powder brown or blue or achilies. a bristle tooth would work into the mix as well. Havent had that great of luck with nassos they seem to stress out pretty easy.

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