Aiptasia X

Discussion in 'Product Review' started by fisher12, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I and I'm sure many of you have fought the ongoing battle with Aiptasia with little positive results. I have tried many remidies I found online and have used some other products such as Joe's Juice. To get results from most of these you have to repeate time after time. With Aiptasia X one dose applied correctly does the trick. It forms a solid cover over the disc and the anemone actually has a feeding response to it and takes it inside. In a few seconds there is a small puff and the anemone implodes. I am very pleased with this product and would reccomend it to anyone.
    pros- very easy to use and comes with a kit to apply.
    does not harm any other life in the tank including corals and inverts
    a good value for the money
    cons- leaves a white residue over the rocks and any surface it falls on.
    in a few hours all sign of it has disapeared so the pros far outweigh the cons.
  2. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    i will second this product. i have had good results with it. one word of advise. turn off all filters and pumps prior to get the consentrate to fall directly where you want it.
  3. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I third it :) Norman loaned me some of his and it worked GREAT. I picked up a bottle tonight at NSA to finish off the ones I have left.
    I highly recommend this product too.

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