Baby Banggi

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by reefmann, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Anytime you want to come over you are welcome. We only live about 5 mins from Petco. PM me, I am sure we can find a time.
  2. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    I stalked the male for a while when I got home to see if I could snap a pic of him venting the eggs and get a pic of them in his mouth... I gave up... Here is the couple though... She is staying right by him making sure nothing comes close as he weaves around everything else in the tank.

  3. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Shots of him rolling around the eggs and venting them!

  4. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member

    Oh, man...this is soooo kewl!!!  When I get my other tank up and running, I want some babies!!!
    Kim/Benton, AR
  5. tinkereef

    tinkereef Guest

    That is completely awesome! Great pictures! Keep us updated.
  6. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    20 Days

    Still  have all Five they just like to hide.... I have two brave ones that I am thinking about getting another breeders net to move them to so that they dont start competeing. I have heard that after 20 or 30 days they start pushing the weakest ones around and they will eventually starve. We shall see.




  7. reefmann

    reefmann Guest


    Angela caught this one with the big camera....

    And I dont want to throw advertisements all over the place but my Facebook page has all sorts updates and information on it. I would urge those of you that use Facebook to at least check it out. I will continue to keep the forums updated but I am usually faster with the facebook site.
  8. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Re: Re: Baby Banggi

    Goodness that's a lot more than he could ever chew.

    Raffle grabber
  9. terancevan88

    terancevan88 Blenny

    really awesome put me on the list for a few if possible .....
  10. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Unfortunately we lost the large mass the Male had in his mouth shortly after the pic above was taken. I have yet to see them spawn again and have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that I now know I have two males in the tank as one is beat up and his fins are shredded.

    Even though we haven’t seen any recent activity that they will spawn again I am sure they will.  On the other hand we still have five little ones that are a site to see. They are fun to watch in the evening and seem to have already become set in their ways and developing their own personalities.

    This is a shot I took tonight at feeding time. You can see now that they have completely changed over to the adult colors and look just like a sure enough mini bangaii. I have got to start weaning these guys soon….

    (These guys are like a pack of wolves when food hits the table... LOL)

  11. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    Its great to see that they are doing well.
  12. McMullen

    McMullen Guest

    Mann just read this thread. Any new spawning or babies? I too had my bangaii spontaneously breed with success. I just happened to notice something extra in my overflow one day, then discovered three babies. I left them in the overflow allowing them to survive on whatever was there until they could eat small frozen mysis. I was so excited that I set up a 30gal in an attempt to breed. Well, the mated pair killed the other adult pretty quickly after the transfer. And after two babies went missing, I finally witnessed them picking and killing the third baby. The male has had a mouth full of eggs several times since this, but I've never seen another live hatch. I guess thats what I get for moving them from an environment they were thriving in just force the magic.

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