brittle star

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by tanghappy, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. tanghappy

    tanghappy Guest

    hey guys new to the club and to the site

    seems great so far

    anyway to the question

    i have a brittle star kinda a suprise visitor that came with some rock i got

    but i have had it for three weeks now and it just seems to stick an arm out here or there it came out of the rock once so i know it is not stuck and i even stayed up all night and just watched to see it but it would not come out (no lights on just lunar blue leds) just making sure i dont need to worry, though i was hoping it would help clean sand a little. it is alive and eating, so lie i said just making sure i dont need to do anything i dont want to hurt itor force it out. thanks in advance for any input
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    brittle star....

    He'll probably be fine. I have 2 Huge ones that I've had for years- they come out when they want. When they were smaller they seemed to stay hidden more. I may go a few days and not see them, then they'll constantly be out for several days at a time. When he does come out, try feeding him a little bit of a cube of frozen brine or something and watch him come alive!
  3. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    Mine really love silversides or even a small piece of table shrimp. Just hold a piece by one of the arms and he should reach out and grab it. Mine sometimes comes out when I feed, but will always extend his arms out of his hiding place.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    brittle star....

    I think they'll just about eat anything, actually! When I put algae in the clip for the tangs, the brittles even come out and wrap their arms around that too! Weird.
  5. sealess

    sealess Guest

    After my tank was FINALLY cycled and ready for critters, my kids bought me "fish" for Mother's day last year - a coral banded shrimp and a green brittle star. I saw that thing and thought "GROSS!" Leave it to boys to buy me something snakey! Guess who's my absolute favorite critter now? We named him Squidward. He'll camp out under a rock for days and stick his arms out from time to time, and then he'll come out and do acrobats all over the tank. The most amazing thing! My three-year-old just about jumps out of his skin when Squidward comes out to play. You will really enjoy this creature - and this club! Welcome!
  6. Don't expect much visibility out of any serpent stars no matter what size they are. The typically stay under rock and act just like yours in doing - stick an arm out for food and real it in. They know exactly when you have dropped anything of nutritional value into your tank even if they are far away. I am not a fan of brittle stars as they grow rather quickly and and can eat fish - especially the green ones.
  7. edman

    edman Guest

    We have had ours for a couple of years and I don't think I have actually seen their whole body probably a total of 2 times. They just kind of hide out. That is probably the most you will ever see of him in your tank. Good luck!
  8. Marti

    Marti Guest

    First I want to say WELCOME!
    We have a small serpent and he comes out to eat sometimes but not often. He likes silversides, I cut small pieces for him. If he's not getting enough food you'll see him "tent". Looks cool but he's doing that to catch food.

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