Bubble Anemone

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by tfrank01, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. tfrank01

    tfrank01 Guest

    I just wanted to know why my new bubble keeps retreating to the back of the tank. I have only had it for a few days and just wanted to know if there was something that i needed to do to keep it in the front of the tank. I first put it in an area of high water flow... it moved, so i put it in a fairly neutral area and it still moved. Will it always stay in the back?
  2. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    have you tried setting them in a glass cup at the bottom? sometimes they will stay in there. poke some rocks around it to hide it if need be.
  3. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    If it moves around, it's not happy -- too much/little light, too much/little flow, bad water chemistry, etc.
  4. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    There may be too much flow where you wanted the anemone to stay. As aquarists we seem to maximize flow in the front of the tank, and neglect the back. So thats where they seem to migrate to. It seems that most people have the same problem with them moving to the back. I had the same issue with my rose anemone. Now its seems acclimated to the lights and flow more, while its still in the back of the rocks it comes up and over.

    Screwloose gave some good advise that's worth trying if you are set on trying to keep the anemone in the front of the tank.

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