Dec meeting

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by fisher12, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    The Dec. Christmas party/meeting will be at my house on Dec 15th. I will be smoking pork roast for Bar-B-Q and would appreciate anyone who would like to bring a pot luck item. Please post here on this thread what you plan to bring.
    We will also have some free frags to go along with the "dirty santa" game so if you plan to be involved just bring a reef related item for gift exchange.
    We will be announcing the results of the voting for our 2013 officers and 2012 Aquarist of the year, so please go the poll on the website and cast your vote. I have been honored to serve as President this past year and will continue to help in any way I can in the future. I hope we have a good turnout for the party and wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.
    Norman Davis
  2. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    I'll bring cookies.

    I don't see the polls up, yet.
  3. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    Is the voting posted yet, or can I just not find it?
  4. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member

    I won't be able to make the meeting. Me, hubby and my mom will be at the Dallas/Pittsburgh game that weekend. You guys have fun!!!!

    Kim/Benton, AR
  5. fragger

    fragger Guest

    Remind us what the price range is for the dirty santa gift.
  6. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    around $20, most people bring a frag to exchange. I didn't realize this last year.
  7. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    So far I have people bringing drinks, baked beans, and cookies.
  8. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    I will bring a side dish.
  9. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    We have obtained 3 very large locally grown coral colonies for the free frags at this Sat. meeting. Depending on the number of members that come, I believe they will be the largest and best frags of the year. We will cut them up at the meeting, so if you want them mounted the frag supplies will be available and you can mount them yourselves or get instruction on how to mount them. Hope you can all come and enjoy the party. (you will have to show up to see what they are. !!)
    hint: nothing soft about them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2012
  10. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator


    Raffle grabber
  11. ljinks

    ljinks Tang

    just a note from fish tank...

    they probably wont have bags big enough to hold the three corals... so they said that we bring 3 buckets to transport them
  12. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    I am bringing a potato dish and candy,
  13. kevink18

    kevink18 Wrasse

    I got slaw
  14. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    I will bring buckets
  15. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    I made a grilled corn salad. I think you will like it. No beans (for Dean)
  16. fragger

    fragger Guest

    I'm bringing banana pudding
  17. mdhicks0

    mdhicks0 RRMAS Supporter

    Thanks Duane for no beans ! The dish was real good.

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