Dwarf lionfish

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by espie, May 11, 2008.

  1. espie

    espie Guest

    Well, my wife is in love with the idea of having a dwarf lionfish - and of course I'll do anything to get her interested in my addiction... =) Since I'm a nano kind of guy, I have questions.

    I've read that they only get ~5" max, so would it be objectionable to keep one in a 48" tank?

    We've got 2 in at the store that have been there for a couple of months - I might set up a lionfish tank when we move in a few weeks. Any thoughts on filtration, possible tankmates, etc?

  2. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Here is what I know---They can live 10 years or more. They are considered moderate diffucult. You can handle that easy :)They are Reef safe but with caution. Will not bother corals, but will consume crustaceans and small fish. They can reach 6-7 inches

    Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons They are somewhat a nocturnal species, the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish will often remain hidden and/or inactive during the day. However, it more readily accomodates to daylight feeding and activity than other members of the genus. This fish should not be kept with overly active fish or grazers that might pick at it. They can be kept in pairs or small groups if the aquarium is of a sufficient size, however they should be watched closely for signs of aggression. Many individuals will never wean on to prepared foods.

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