Epoxonite Frag Plugs

Discussion in 'Product Review' started by schillerstreetreef, Oct 4, 2008.

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    There was quite a bit of free stuff at MACNA this year as usual, one of the best free things that I was able to pick up were these fragging plugs that were given to Anthony Calfo after his lecture. I had purchased blugs from Boston Aqua Farms last year that are made of plastic and especially made to go in egg crate. At first I really liked these but while they do fit in the coregated squares of egg crate they are to light and must be pushed into the cross hatch of each coregated cell. The plug has special slits that allow it to be placed in this position but each time you remove the frag you must turn it just right to get it back in and that becomes a pain.

    Now the free plugs that we got were made by Epoxonite The plugs are made from Carb-Sea argonite and have about one inch in surface area. The brochure that was sitting on the table that had the plugs makes alot of rather far fetched claims like "perfect for coral adhesion" and "crack resistant" that are not needed to sell these plugs. What I love about these particular plugs is that the epoxy that they are made with allows the super glue accelerant that I use to hang around long enough on the surface to give adequate time to apply glue to your frag and stick it to it. It is heavy enough to sit in egg crate cells without coming out and the stem of the plug fits rignt in any cell without any problem. They look very good and the base of the plug can be snipped off with wire cutters and looks alot more like natural rock than alot of other brands. You can get this particular plug from Marine Depot and probably some other places soon - as they are new.


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