Filter sock, or no filter sock?

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by Ztkirkpatric, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Ztkirkpatric

    Ztkirkpatric Plankton

    Up until now I've just been using live rock and a skimmer. Where the overflows dump into the sump there's a lot of bubbling and splashing so I added a filter sock tonight to shield some of that and try to keep that water in the system. I've heard to use them and not to use them... What are your opinions?

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  2. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    I use filter socks and I find them useful to remove waste from my tank. Even though my tanks are crystal clear and have been up for years I still have to trade out socks twice a week.
  3. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    The only bad thing I've heard about them is if you don't clean/change them out frequently enough. I don't use them but simply because I can't get to the area easily without moving tons of stuff. I would if it were easy for me to access it.
  4. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    With what I see in my socks each time I change them I can't imagine not using them. It's hard to imagine they remove so much when you look at how pristine the water looks.

    I've read that they can be a nitrate factory if not changed regularly. I've accumulated enough that I can change every 2-3 days and only have to wash them out every couple of weeks.

    If they are clogged up enough that the water level in the sock is higher than the level in the sump it's time to change.
  5. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    With what I see in my socks each time I change them I can't imagine not using them. It's hard to imagine they remove so much when you look at how pristine the water looks.

    I've read that they can be a nitrate factory if not changed regularly. I've accumulated enough that I can change every 2-3 days and only have to wash them out every couple of weeks.

    If they are clogged up enough that the water level in the sock is higher than the level in the sump it's time to change.
  6. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    I agree they catch so much crap. Its almost crazy to not use one unless you have an AIO tank.

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  7. Uperepik

    Uperepik Administrator

    Even on an AIO I always use filter floss which acts in the same way. I can't see how you can go wrong with having mechanical filtration as long as you do the proper maintenance.

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  8. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    I have seen filterless tanks while I was in DFW the corals looked great. But the thought of more maintenance isn't worth it to me imho.

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  9. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    In my 8 gallon nano I made an eggcrate rack for my filter floss.

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  10. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I agree with everyone else about filter socks. They are very good at keeping solids over 100 microns (depending on the rating of your socks) out of the water column , but must be kept clean. The time it takes for maintenance is well worth the results.
  11. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    i use two 100 micron filter socks and i have to change them two times a week if not more and it helps keep my water clear

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