fire fish ?

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by miles, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. miles

    miles Guest

    ok I just set up a 14g biocube with LR, sand and water from my 75g tank. I putt in some soft coral but no fish just to see how the 14g will work with light it came with. Every thing looks good all is working so I got a purple head firefish. Looks so cool but he wont come out and if he does he just gets back under the rock so I got another firefish just the regular red and white one. and now I have 2 fish that wont come out from under the rock :-( I have never had fire fish before but every thing I read about them is that they don't hide but will jump. I took 2 clowns from my 75g tank and they love the 14g tank. The only thing that I could come up with is that the biocube pump is making allot of water current. When I see the fire fish come out to eat it looks like they don't like the water current? the clowns do they swim all over the tank. but I have had the fire fish for 2 weeks now and they don't come out.Anyone know what I should try ?
  2. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Give them some time to settle into the tank.  You may need to now decide what to keep in the tank.  Either the two clowns or one firefish and something else.  It's likely that when they settle down the two will fight.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  3. miles

    miles Guest

    crap :( I wat told by a friend that I need to get 2 or more fire fish. thats why I got the other. SO could I take one out and keep the 2 clowns and one fire fish in the 14g or will the clowns pick on him ?
  4. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    + 1 to Kim (Give them some time to settle into the tank. ) Just make sure they are not the dragon fire fish pic below. lol.
  5. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    It's POSSIBLE the two might get together.  The purple is usually the more agressive of the fire fish.  As long as the clowns are small you're okay, with the three fish, but once they start to reach their full growth they'll be to big.  Also, watch that the clowns dont decide the whole tank is their's and kick the firefish out.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  6. miles

    miles Guest

    the clowns don't seem to be interested in the firefish. They come out to eat and might be out when im not looking but when they see me they just go under a rock

    Meco65 I think this is your old 14g biocube :)

    I will post some pics tonight
  7. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    That was a great little tank.

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