flower pot placement

Discussion in 'Corals' started by divemaster, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. divemaster

    divemaster Guest

    I recently acquired (August) two beautiful flowerpot corals. I placed the green one near the glass but after a short aclimation period it became too large to stay there. Nice problem, I know! [​IMG] It is now close but not touching my large branching hammer. If they touch will it be a problem for either?
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    Could be... The majority of Flowerpot corals spend their time on the substrate so that is something to consider.

    I hope you will try your best to give it the best care possible. These corals usually wither away in our tanks within a few months, but with a little research and time dedicated to their care they will thrive.
  3. Please keep us posted on your flowerpots. I have only seen on aquarist in North West Ark who was able to do well with flowerpots over time. I gave several a shot about a year ago and the purple did the best but still was completly gone a year later.
  4. alexhills8

    alexhills8 Guest

    Maybe you should do more careful with your flowerpots. Andyou might post some updates on what happen to your flowerpots after you have donewith the replacement. It seems like it is not really easy for that.

    Lechuza Planters

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