Getting dwarf lion to eat frozen food?

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by wlyon, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I've had my dwarf zebra lion for around 7 months now, and to this day he refuses to eat frozen food. I got my snowflake eel about the same time, and he switched over to frozen silver sides within the first week. I've tried a lot of different things, and now I just keep a one gallon tank stocked with ghost shrimp to feed him. Does anyone know a trick I haven't found out about to get him to eat frozen food?

  2. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    I had a Fuzzy Dwarf for awhile. It took me about a month to get him switched. It finally took about 10 to 12 days with no food and he finally decided that he better eat and after that it was on. A lionfish can go without food for about 14 days without food from what I have researched. Obviously dont let it starve. Give it live food if it has been awhile. It also depends on the type of dwarf. The Fu Man Chu and Zebra are the most difficult to convert and may never convert. You may need to make plans to keep a lifetime supply of live foods. i.e. 10 years.
  3. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I have heard it was hard/impossible but that just makes me want to try even more. I've tried not feeding him for a while, but he still snubbed the silver side pieces. The only time I've gotten him to eat it was when I warmed it up in the microwave and fed him the exact same way I feed him ghost shrimp, but that trick only worked once before he got wise.
  4. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    I have a Oscar that eats live minnows, That may be an option. I get a dozen at a time at the bait shop and keep them in a 10 Gal. If he gets used to the live ones, maybe you can slowly switch him over to frozen.
  5. austinl01

    austinl01 Guest

    I heard cyclop-eeze is great for finicky eating fish. Maybe you can get him switched over to froze that way?
  6. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I've tried the cyclop-eeze with no luck, and as for the minnows I heard that lions aren't the biggest fans, and some stop eating fish thinking it taste like a minnow. If that info is wrong I will give the minnows a go.
  7. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I would not feed live minnows. These are freshwater species and do not contain the correct vitimins and minerals they require. They also have different bacteria or paracites not found in saltwater. Always feed your marine fish prey item from the ocean, live or frozen.
  8. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I thought that might be one of the reasons, thanks

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