I'm back

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by heather, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. heather

    heather Guest

    Hi guys, I've been gone for a while and finally finished my new house and am ready to get back into the swing of things. Seeing Chris at church Sunday helped kick my booty into gear lol.

    I still don't have any tanks set up yet, I'm saving up for a big corner tank that I can put into my living room. I've missed you all and will be there for the reef splash event and can't wait to see everyone.

    I hope all is well.
  2. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    She is back.
    You saw Chris where???
  3. heather

    heather Guest

    yep, he was getting his amen on
  4. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I'm glad you're back. I look forward to meeting you in person at the Splash. :)
  5. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    She is married!
  6. Marti has a husband, too. ;)
  7. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Jumping the Gun a little there huh? LOL
    A girls name is usually spelled with an "I" and a man's a "Y".
    VERY Happily Married too :)
  8. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    LOL, Well I did get an aRk@n$a5 edumacation :)
    Just teasing heather.

    Corner tanks are awesome b/c you get the depth and more area for corals & frags

    I just love Chris & Roy's clam tanks.
  9. heather

    heather Guest

    btw, I finally got out of the grip of aol and now have a new email address.
    I tried to change it in my profile but it wouldn't let me. If anyone knows how, let me know or maybe admin could change it?


  10. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    Great to see ya back Heather, will be nice catching up at splash!
  11. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    What happens when you try to change the email address?
  12. heather

    heather Guest

    It' says this:

    The current password you supplied does not match that stored in the database.

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