Keep my brother in your prayers please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tangafish, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    I am posting here because I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. I hope it is ok to post this. My brother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about 6 months ago. unfortunately it went on for over a year atleast before he got the right diagnosis by then it had spread. He had to have exploratory surgery a couple weeks ago and we did not receive good news; it was at that point we were advised how badly it had spread. They weren't able to remove really anything during the surgery so its back to chemo and pray for a miracle. He is still in the hospital because of complications going on. Please pray for my brother James and the rest of my family to give them strength.

    Thank you in advance for those that help and remember enjoy every day with family ; time is precious and cherish every moment.
  2. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    I believe in prayer as well And will keep James in my prayers. GOD still heals.
  3. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    Thank you so much.
  4. Robby.F

    Robby.F Guest

    He will be in my prayers as well.
  5. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    here too.
  6. amanning

    amanning Guest

    Same here. Wishing you and your family strength, courage and grace during your difficult time. Thinking of you!
  7. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    thank you so much everyone. he was released from the hospital so atleast he is home now. Got him back on chemo again too going to be a long process but with everyones prayers it is a great help.

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